Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to make a Potato Condo

Easy to make! Mine is 3' X 3', First I took some old 2X4's and cut to 3' lengths, then tooks some 1X6" fencing boards and cut them to 3' lengths, Screwed them to the 2X4's and then I stapled some landscape fabric to the backside.You can use old rugs or sheets or even cardboard-you don't need to use landscape fabric- I jut happened to have a roll laying around! Flip it over and fill with dirt and your potato starts. As the potatoes grow, add more side boards and dirt, the nice thing is when harvest time comes simply unscrew and remove the boards and easy harvesting! Here is a hint- try using hex head sheet metal screws instead of drywall screws on the boards for easier removal!I will update with photos in the coming months so you can see the progress!


  1. I tried and failed at this method two years in a row. I called a potato seed company, and the person there told me to layer in a soaker hose as the layers get built up, otherwise, the "condo" may stay too dry and get too hot in the summer. Of course, your mileage may vary, based on location. Here in the South, the poor plants just get too hot.

  2. Thank you it was a great guide, now to make a potato condo is without a doubt very easy by using your information. Kudos
